Current News
With the sale of the Peru Heights Processing Facility at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, the Company has, as of March 31, 2017, relocated it’s remaining ClearRefining Processors and related equipment to a new facility in Northern Nevada. The new facility will become the Company’s Operations Center going forward. Company management has recently completed a comprehensive year-long corporate restructure to both maximize unit holder value, product-line licensing and sales flexibility and intellectual property protection. Domestically, the Company has recently entered into a MOU for the licensing of a GDiesel processing facility, entered into an agreement with a company to jointly market its containerized GDiesel upgrading modules, and submitted a comprehensive state-sponsored grant proposal focused on bio fuels. Internationally, the Company has achieved a critical milestone towards its goals of certifying GDiesel as a compliant diesel fuel product in the European Union. Together with its European-based engineering and marketing partners, the Company has demonstrated to and is currently working with, several European-based energy companies with the goal of providing GDiesel and it’s proven environmental and energy efficient benefits to select initial markets in Europe in the shortest possible time.

Message From the Management
As stated by our Managing Partner, Mr, Gunnerman, during the opening of last month's annual ARC unit holders meeting, the Company would like to once again thank the unbelievable support given to it by its unit holders, especially during the recent facility move. Of special note; the Company would like to recognize and that Mr. Lee Perks, Mr Aaron Yohey, Mr. James Brandmueller, Mr. Dennis McIntyre, Mr. Kevin Meyer, Mr. Herb Morgan, and ARC's European Business Development Manager, Mr Michael Rocholl, for their time, expertise, and in some cases, raw strength and humor, safely keeping us on schedule and way under budget!.
Safety Corner
Communication and safety go hand in hand and without good communication skills, you may actually find yourself talking “at” people, not really communicating “with” them. Like most workplace initiatives, effective employee communication and a resulting high engagement with the initiative is key to its success. Communication needs to change employee beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors by convincing them it is worth the extra effort to work safely and efficiently. Research studies point to 70% of workplace mistakes being caused by poor communication, so how we choose to start our message often determines the results. Research also shows that for every dollar invested in workplace safety three dollars or more are saved (this comes through workers’ comp, lost time, efficiency, legal, etc.). People will quickly determine the meaning of a message and whether they will be receptive at the beginning of said conversation. There is only a short time to get a message across: 2 minutes when face to face, 30 seconds on the telephone, and only 10 – 15 seconds by voicemail. So the more important the message, the bigger the need to plan what you are going to say.