Current News
These last months have been very busy for the ARC team. One of the premier projects that we had been working on was preparing and air-freighting our Generation 3 GDiesel® demonstration unit to our technology and marketing partners at Key Group in Prague, Czech Republic. The unit arrived safely and our partners are currently upgrading all systems including mechanical and control hardware and software in order to enhance operating efficiencies. During the months that this unit is in Europe, Key Group is going to use it to advance marketing and regulatory initiatives in the European Union as well as undertake joint advanced research initiatives with ARC personnel aimed at significantly enhancing our Intellectual Property portfolio. Other initiatives that we had been working on included the processing, packaging, and shipment of GDiesel® to the University of Arizona for further comparative emissions testing as well as continued consolidation work on our facility in Reno in preparation for sale. Funding of our Las Vegas Clean Oasis project continues in a positive direction as do our various corporate restructuring initiatives with our partners.

Message From the Management
As we near mid-year, your management team would like to remind everyone of the stated Mission and Vision for our company: Mission – “To safely and continuously adapt our technology platform to customer requirements, shifting markets and innovation while operating in the most professional and respectful manner to the betterment of ARC, its unit holders and employees.” Vision – “ARC will continue to lead petrochemical innovation through following its core belief that using less resources to create more useable products is the simplest path to improving the condition of both mankind and nature.” Spend some time in your own area of employment and verify that your work, or the work of others you interact with, is upholding these goals or what changes are necessary to get back on track!
Safety Corner
We all know that there must be a cause for an accident to happen. In order to avoid accidents, we must remove the cause. Every cause is a result of an unsafe act or unsafe condition. The following “deadly dozen” are reminders to help you recognize unsafe acts or conditions. Unsafe Acts; 1. Unauthorized use or operation of equipment. 2. Failure to secure or tie down materials to prevent unexpected movement. 3. Working or operating equipment too fast. 4. Failure to issue warnings or signals as required. 5. Using defective tools or equipment. 6. Removing guards. 7. Improperly using tools or equipment. 8. Standing in an unsafe place or assuming an improper posture (as in lifting). 9. Servicing moving equipment. 10. Riding equipment not designed for passengers. 11. Horseplay. 12. Failure to wear the proper personal protective equipment. Unsafe Conditions; 1. Lack of proper guards. 2. Lack of a proper warning system. 3. Fire and explosion hazards. 4. Poor housekeeping. 5. Unexpected movements. 6. Protruding objects such as nails, wire, or other metals. 7. Improper clearance or congestion at aisles or passageways. 8. Poor placement, storage or arrangement of materials. 9. Hazardous tools, equipment or materials. 10. Poor lighting, high noise levels. 11. Hazardous atmospheric conditions. 12. Improper personal attire.