Current News
ARC is happy to announce that our partners at Key Industries Engineering Group in the Czech Republic are busily and successfully producing GDiesel® and other products from the Generation 3 test unit that we flew to Europe several months ago. The operation of this unit on the continent has already stirred quite the interest from multiple customers as well as government regulators who see the environmental benefits of GDiesel® as another strategy in the ever more stringent European Union emissions reduction strategy. Your management was present in Prague during unit start-up in August and will be returning in early October to further business development and funding opportunities. Domestically we continue progress on the Las Vegas Clean Oasis project funding and with three new and very high profile diesel customers.
Message From the Management
As 2016 progresses and the days are getting shorter, the days at ARC are getting longer. While this is certainly good from a business perspective, sometimes we get so busy we overlook our most important obligation which is keeping our unitholders completely up to date and informed. Several of you have taken the opportunity to schedule private meetings with our Managing Partner, Peter Gunnerman, over the last months to get a more comprehensive update and information that for obvious reasons we cannot share in a public newsletter. This newsletter goes not only to unitholders but also to select customers, partners and is ultimately posted on our website. Please remember that Mr. Gunnerman is always available for a one-on-one meeting to answer questions or take suggestions. Call or email Kylee Bozarth to set up a meeting with him anytime at (775) 826-2727 or kbozarth@
Safety Corner
Communication and safety go hand in hand and without good communication skills, you may actually find yourself talking “at” people, not really communicating “with” them. Like most workplace initiatives, effective employee communication and a resulting high engagement with the initiative is key to its success. Communication needs to change employee beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors by convincing them it is worth the extra effort to work safely and efficiently. Research studies point to 70% of workplace mistakes being caused by poor communication, so how we choose to start our message often determines the results. Research also shows that for every dollar invested in workplace safety three dollars or more are saved (this comes through workers’ comp, lost time, efficiency, legal, etc.). People will quickly determine the meaning of a message and whether they will be receptive at the beginning of said conversation. There is only a short time to get a message across: 2 minutes when face to face, 30 seconds on the telephone, and only 10 – 15 seconds by voicemail. So the more important the message, the bigger the need to plan what you are going to say.