Current News
Advanced Refining Concepts, LLC continues to progress on our two near-term revenue generating GDiesel® projects in Las Vegas and in California. The project in Banning, California in conjunction with our partners Morongo Purefuel Diesel based in Chatsworth, CA is in the second phase of the engineering review. The final engineering proposal will be submitted to the Morongo Band of Mission Indians executive management for approval during February. Once approved, the project calls for a single ClearRefining® processor to be installed with supporting infrastructure on the Morongo nation land near Palm Springs, CA. Initially, the project will produce approximately 1,000,000 gallons per year of clean GDiesel® for sale through Morongo’s service station adjacent to Interstate 10. The goal will be to grow the project output concurrent to customer demand. ARC is working with its engineering partner Mendenhall Smith based in Las Vegas, NV to complete the proposal. Our engineering partners are also working through the preliminary engineering and permitting designs for the 60,000 gallons per day Las Vegas Clean Oasis GDiesel project. ARC has also completed a light crude oil upgrading proposal for an international customer during the month of February. Finally, ARC was featured in two successive Las Vegas Review Journal articles and one editorial documenting the Company’s ongoing struggles with the Internal Revenue Service coupled with the positive support we are receiving from NV Congressman Mark Amodei and other NV legislators.
Message From the Management
Following along with our 2016 motto of having a “TEAM” (Together Everyone Achieves More) approach; Andrew Carnegie once said “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments towards organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” The management team at ARC encourages all comments and suggestions for making ARC run more efficiently creating a better work environment for everyone. We want you to continue taking pride in the company’s growth.
Safety Corner
Spring can be a time to celebrate warmer temperatures and sunshine; however, it is important to be aware of hazards related to spring such as flooding, dangerous driving conditions, pedestrians, working outdoors, and even spring cleaning. Did you know the National Poison Help Line gets over 3.1 million calls per year? Of those, about 2.2 million were calls about poison exposures ranging from carbon monoxide to snake bites to food poisoning. The rest were calls for information. One of the common ways that adults are unintentionally poisoned occurs when dangerous chemicals are stored in food or beverage containers. Do your best to keep chemicals in their original containers. If you have to transfer them, use a clearly labeled container that has a child-resistant closure device. As almost anything can be poisonous if used in the wrong concentration and in the wrong way. Children are especially sensitive to many of the products we use during spring cleaning, painting, gardening and automobile maintenance. Always pull all medicines, vitamins, and chemicals out of your child’s or pet’s reach and sight every time they are used!